Overwatch - Introducing Wrecking Ball


Staff member
This is a brilliant idea. It's cute and creative and surprising. The abilities look effective and fun to play.
GOOD JOB, Blizzard. Can't run the game smoothly with my pc after developer update so i'm selling my account here at 70myr. anyone interested pm pls, malaysians only. pay with bank transfer. I think they should use Hammond instead of Wrecking Ball as this hero‘s name…
🤔 Since Winston uses his name…

Overwatch - Introducing Wrecking Ball.JPG
Well they’re referring to Hammond’s title he earned in Junkertown’s gladitorial tournaments, Winston however hasn’t.
His dance emote better be the Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball thing. I wonder if he ejects like Dva and even Torbjorn was taller than him, what would it be like?
Are you serious
It has a Machine Gun for God sake.
I wonder what will junkrat can say to this guy....it's his cousin.