Osaka cuts San Francisco ties over 'comfort women' statue


Staff member
Sorry Japan, can’t rewrite history in this country.

Yup, can’t rewrite the two atomic bombs the U.S dropped on civilians.

They could put up another statue remembering all the vietnamese women raped and murdered by American soldiers too.

Suck it up, Japan. You own it. These women deserve recognition. I support the statue.

Let them leave then. It's an absolute part of their history and should be recognized for what was done to these women. Sex slaves. No if's and's or but's. And to refer to them as 'comfort women?' Despicable. Grave injustice.

Anyone who watched HERSTORY , a moving account of a few remaining comfort Korean women trying to get justice in Japan will know this is still a very live issue. Japan still does not admit to this atrocity, and fights actively to deny it. In the final credits of the film , the handful of women were offered a pittance of money each....the offer which was then annulled by another court. It makes you so disgusted with Japan as a nation. So much so, that I have stopped buying any Japanese products, of any sort. For those who have not seen this film, I commend it to you.

The United States has yet to accept responsibility for what they did to many during the war.. and plenty they have had.. but of course no one wants to talk about that, right? Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Whatever Japan does to avoid the fact of this sex slaves, history shall be awakened till sincere apology is made.

No great loss. Sister City programs are mostly business arrangements anyway, not moral codes.

Thank you for remembering these women. History is important to learn from.

they have not come to terms with their history yet.

The history of the comfort women is one of the most under discussed atrocities in human history. If you wish to know more about it I highly suggest viewing “Tattoo” a story of Japanese comfort women. It is incredibly beautifully put together piece of sequential art that combines interviews with the survivors with a narrative. Warning it is incredibly graphic so if you are even a little squeamish be vary wary going in but I guarantee you it’s a story that will stay with you forever.

While the entire thing is something I think everyone wished did not happen, Japan has repeatedly said sorry and the 2015 according with South Korea (with payment) closed it forever. I am not saying we should forget but people need to move on and stop making a living from being a victim.

Are statues dipicting "history" or historic events worth offending the sensibilities of current friends, neigbors, community partners and global relations? Maybe we should rethink this and listen to "their story" and leave history in the past instead of digging our heels into history. History can not be erased. We are the authors of our history let's try to not to make the similar mistakes.

Hundreds of thousands of women became sex slaves, being raped and tortured, and some died in China, Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines, but your ego way too big Japan.

It's a beautiful statue. We need to talk about the past, the cold hard facts. And people don't like the facts.

Unfortunately, Japan refuses to accept full responsibility for some wartime actions. Germany's war crimes were so obvious that has overshadowed a lot of the atrocities committed by Japan. Japan actually started WWII in the early '30s when they invaded mainland China. Google the "Rape of Nanking".

It’s history. Gotta accept it and remember. But I hope the US also remember that comfort women weren’t disbanded when the US occupied Korea after the war. They were kept around to service American G.I.s.....yup.

Osaka cuts San Francisco ties over 'comfort women' statue.JPG

Never Forget!!!
"These victims deserve our respect and this memorial reminds us all of events and lessons we must never forget."

Japanese people definitely know what their country had done but are blackmailed by their right wing politicians like Abe,who doesn’t want to face the history.The most important reason is that they are not of Christian-influenced culture like Germany,plus the fact that they are disciplined people who always do what their government tell them to.Have you heard of any big labor strike news in Japan?

History can't be changed so Japan should learn from Germany on how they handled WW2.

Why fear mistakes from the past, this is how we evolve?

I love that San Francisco is standing by the women. Osaka will have to come to its own truth in its own time.

the Japanese want them to forget what happened in the past....the Americans want to show respect to those who suffered......I stand with the American's on this one !

I know from my close ties with many wonderful Japanese people that Japanese are NOT taught about WW II. I've seen intelligent, educated, and good-hearted and well-meaning Japanese who are often shocked, stunned, and bewildered when faced with what to the West, and China, Korea, and the Pacific Island region is common knowledge about WW II (such as 6,000,000 Asians and Allied soldiers killed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the 1930s up until 1945). The decision to delete the war years from schools does not promote peaceful intentions, or "good neighbors." Honesty, even when painful at first, is the only way to create and sustain a responsible citizenry.

One good friend was the young daughter of an engineer employed by the Japanese Army in China in the 1930s through WW II. She was so traumatized by witnessing the atrocities committed by "her" Army she vowed to never allow a Japanese man to touch her. 50 years later she got over that and healed. But the lack of remorse and apology, or even simple acknowledgement by the Japanese government still angers many survivors. It comes across as uncaring and unfeeling. Proper history lessons in school would fix that.

Japan can always just accept it happened, and to the extent of it. San Francisco isn't doing anything wrong here.