New £50 note will feature a British scientist


Staff member
Turing... he's owed endless recognition that he should have had in life.

Andy Davis the same can be said for Ada Lovelace.

Agreed. Alan Turing, Charles Babbage, or Tim Berners-Lee should be the leading candidates. All three quite literally changed the world via computing, though I feel honouring Alan Turing would just be right, given his mistreatment by our government and our legal system.

New £50 note will feature a British scientist.jpg

Brandon Kinson Ada Lovelace also changed the world via computing.

Turing definitely - amazing scientist, badly treated by our country who should get recognition for his work.

Turing would be an excellent choice.
Rosalind Franklin, but they all are extraordinary scientists. People already know the very famous names....Ada Lovelace was also remarkable but maybe unknown.
I suggest Hedy Lamarr.
Hollywood actress, but also invented frequency hopping guidance system for torpedoes in WW2, and is the basis for Bluetooth and WiFi.
The UK's new £50 note? Don't you mean the Bank of England note? The Bank of England does not represent the UK. It can have Bugs Bunny on it for all I care.