Natural Thyroid Treatment and Information You Should Know About

There have been systematic studies connecting smoking and Thyroid Rescue 911 Review a larger thyroid volume. There is a stronger relationship amid the two in iodine-deficient areas, even though this is not yet a finished issue. There are approximately almost 20 times more women than men who are thought to be sufferers of thyroid symptoms. It is also more common for older people to develop thyroid conditions. In the UK at this time there are probably more than half a million women and around 25 - 30 thousand male thyroid condition sufferers. In the more populous US the numbers are naturally higher and it is thought that there could be as many as 20 million suffering the symptoms of thyroid problems, and of these as many as 65 percent may as yet be undiagnosed.

Indeed thyroid symptoms as so many and various sufferers can remain either undiagnosed or mis-diagnosed for many years. Without diagnoses their hormonal imbalance may go unrecognised and their chronic thyroid symptoms put down to other causes. This can have a devastating effect on a sufferers life. In extreme cases some of the symptoms of thyroid problems have even led to people being committed to mental health institutions, for they can truly feel and act as if they are going mad, or so depressed as to be suicidal.

Thyroid disease is evidently a monumental problem and anyone who has found themselves persistently tired, gaining weight unexpectedly, looking puffy and bloated, feeling down, lacking energy, suffering anxiety, losing their hair, feeling weak and listless, having achy joints and muscles, finding it hard to concentrate, suffering prolonged menstrual cycles, or having trouble conceiving (or any combination of these as well as many other potential thyroid symptoms) should really ask themselves: "Could my health problems be caused by my thyroid?" Sadly it cannot always be easy to find out for sure if your thyroid is causing the symptoms that you are experiencing.