Killing Scabies Naturally At Home

Lindane Less used nowadays due to believed associations Brilliance SF Skincare Review with seizures and leukemia in children. Farmers sometimes use Lindane to treat cattle and grain and they reportedly have a higher incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. It is now banned in many countries. Permethrin The most commonly used insecticide for scabies with side effects including itching, burning and stinging of the skin. Fortunately, these symptoms are usually short-lived and only similar to those of scabies themselves. The main concern with Permethrin is that it is a derivative of Pyrethrum which some believe could be a carcinogen.

The side effects of these medications is what often leads people towards killing scabies naturally at home. One of the best tried and tested methods is Tea Tree Oil. This very powerful oil has antibacterial and antiseptic properties and is effective at killing the scabies mite. Simple add 20 drops to a warm bath and soak your whole body in it for 15 minutes, leaving just your head out. Not only can this help to kill the scabies, but the antiseptic properties of tea tree oil will soothe scratched and inflamed skin. After the bath, you can also help the process of killing scabies naturally at home by applying tea tree oil directly to the worst affected areas via a soaked cotton wool pad.

It is absolutely vital that you treat all family members on the same day to prevent reinfestation and you should consider advising all those others who you come into contact with on a regular basis, such as schoolchildren if you have young children yourselves, and work colleagues whom you work in close proximity to.