"The overall impression from this research is that economic and Abundance Manifestor Review professional success exists on the surface of life, and that they emerge out of interpersonal relationships, which are much deeper and more important."-- David Brooks
Healthy relationships are a powerful source of both positive energy and renewal in our lives. Relationships require time, attention, and focus outside the normal daily and weekly stresses in our life. We must put other things aside to invest in the emotional bank accounts associated with our key relationships. This renews us and gives us energy to pursue the regular breakthroughs necessary for achieving our grandest goals.
Thus, we must find ways outside our normal work routines and weekly schedules to engage in our relationships. Our recovery and rejuvenation rhythms give us bigger windows of time for this priority.
Healthy relationships are a powerful source of both positive energy and renewal in our lives. Relationships require time, attention, and focus outside the normal daily and weekly stresses in our life. We must put other things aside to invest in the emotional bank accounts associated with our key relationships. This renews us and gives us energy to pursue the regular breakthroughs necessary for achieving our grandest goals.
Thus, we must find ways outside our normal work routines and weekly schedules to engage in our relationships. Our recovery and rejuvenation rhythms give us bigger windows of time for this priority.