Bluoxyn Omega 3 Fatty Acids: With heart health a primary concern among Americans, omega 3 fatty acids are being talked about not only for their role in heart health, but as new research unfolds, omega 3s are also known to Bluoxyn support joint health, brain power, and immune support . It's an all-around popular choice for baby boomers.Resveratrol: This nutrient is the result of chemical equations that take place within red grapes when they are under a fungal attack. Reseveratrol is a powerful antioxidant and known to support heart health. Resveratrol supplements are taken because of its oxidative properties, support heart, immune health and recent research shows that they may help increase longevity. Resveratrol also helps increase stamina and endurance for athletes or those under a rigorous exercise regimenGreen Tea: Green tea is made by steaming freshly picked green tea leaves. Steaming retains many of the nutrients found in fresh tea leaves. Green tea is a potent antioxidant and also exhibits anti-bacterial properties. It supports heart and immune health.