condiments if you use a lot of medications you can develop what is known as tolerance or what is known as static Luxus mm-hmm this means that the usual dose of the medication that used to work stops working mm-hmm and you probably need incremental doses of that drug for it to work or sometimes it doesn't work at all another ultra fast keto boost side effects that may arise from the use and what you think is a solution to these people who take him they pop more you understand more and more and more for it to work after them body don't get immune to this chokes right here they keep taking more and more and more and that's why some of them flip over and die and they tell you so heart attack include Park pain nasal congestion blurred vision sensitivity to light heroes let's go back the car the side effect is real important to show your people there's none of these fucking pills that you can pop I don't give a fuck and in rare cases sudden hearing loss hearing loss mm-hmm which one you want people