have and I kind of had to go to work and it was really embarrassing and I kind of had to hide it too long I'm sorry this is really embarrassing for me to talk about I know if you had any stains on that might my erection lasts too long I didn't know if there was a way to reduce the time oh because you are sexually of the of this what's the number there okay swanny can't read mm-hmm 8:03 hmm four one two zero okay for one today here's the weird thing is they gave me when I called and ordered this originally they said to call the number that I'm Gentiv ultra talking to you now on back and let you know the results of it so I'm saying they wanted me to call this number and tell you the results of how it looks because you said it's a free trial so you guys are experimenting with people to see how well it's the benefits of our product it contains a potent one-of-a-kind formulation and for our product designed to be so powerful it's basically a rapid phew well for your sex life yet safe to use with no known side effect expand Plus will give you the hardest and the most powerful erection you've ever had when needed it's very very powerful because I I took a couple of them last night because I told you I received it and it was so powerful that it wouldn't stop it wouldn't go down for hours and I was trying to get it to go down I was even using an ice pack trying to get my dick to be swell and it wasn't working so I don't know what I should do if I should take less of it or take more that's what the problem I'm having is what is the name