find a high Crescent lunge sit low into your left thigh keep your right leg as straight as it'll go by pushing the back of your right knee towards the sky and then lengthen your arms up as far as you can close the sides of your ribcage together lift your belly away from your top thigh soften your shoulders away from your ears feel that stretch take one more deep breath in gaze up if you can and then exhale frame your left foot with both of your hands step forward with your right foot inhale to half-lift lengthen your spine exhale let it go fold take a few breaths here once again grab opposite elbows if that feels good sway a little bit side to side maybe bending into one knee and then the other slowly shaking out your hips like a slow-motion cha-cha-cha relea super cut keto se your hands inhale to halfway lift exhale to fold inhale come all the way up palms touch above your head exhale your hands to prayer moving on tailbone down belly in lift your kneecaps make sure your thighs are activated on your next inhale reach your arms above you keep your palms together exhale once again chair pose starting to make friends with this pose by now inhale your hands to prayer exhale twist to the right take your left elbow outside of your right knee