maybe put a little smile on your face and say thank you for for coming and doing this practice taking care of your body mind and your spirit all in one all in one package mmm thank you guys open yo KeKeto Diet ur eyes namaste if you like to see more of these kind of videos subscribe to psyche truth and if you want to take yourself to a next challenge check out my power our booty comm and until next time guys thank you again your heart we're gonna go into our first interval so as we do these intervals they're going to be 45 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest when you come into your rest you want to keep your head above your heart we'll take a child's pose at the end of the three rounds before we move on to the next exercise so this will be yoga burpees so what's different about yoga burpees is we're gonna keep a little softness and our joints to protect the joints and that hop at the very top of the burpees totally going to be optional I'll give you lots of different ways to modify for you so take what feels good let's go all right 45 seconds on is you jump back stay soft come back up you just go as intense and as fast as your body allows for this 45 seconds make sure that as you're hopping forward and back you're keeping your joints nice and soft that's the yoga part right a lot of great attention being paid to our joints if you want to up the ante you can add a little hop make sure that you come down in your hops it's a little