Hong Kong Woman Tricked Into Marrying a Stranger in China


Staff member
Pretty sad to hear!!! Why does this happen in our world??? Words don't come easily to us!!! Love June and Bob ☓.

Didn’t think this was possible but I suppose people are so desperate for work they overlook the red flags.

Another highly intelligent specimen.

The woman says she thought she was taking part in a mock wedding as part of training for a new job.

When did BBC start recapping old episodes of Arrested Development?

This doesnt suprise me, the human race gets stupider everyday.

She would have thanked heavens if the stranger was Brad Pitt.

But it was quite the opposite.

Um,she can't get an annulment ?

How can se feel disappointed as wedding did not happen in Hong Kong as she claim in her statement as it's took place in Chinese province of Fuzhou.

"I feel disappointed and cannot believe it's even happening in modern Hong Kong."

Each year, Hong Kong police see an average of 1000 cross-border marriage scam cases.

Chinese residents who are married to a Hong Kong partner are able to apply to reside in the city.

I’ll make u marry me since u don’t understand Spanish lol.

Welcome to 2018 where strange things always happen.

Hong Kong Woman Tricked Into Marrying a Stranger in China.JPG

But there's a show about marrying strangers, it's all wrong.

oh get real BBC you turning tabloid or is that your try miss direction.

I guess she didn’t read the terms and conditions...

Sad to read few commentors have any empathy for what happened to this woman. She is young and apparently willing to do anything for her career. The idea that this was a scam probably wasn't on her radar. People who would trick a young woman this way have no morals.

Poor girl.

Can’t they get an annulment?

Article. Read. You.

it’s not interesting enough to read the entire thing.
🤷‍♀️ I got the jist- she a moron...

Anyway, if that’s the case, she can simply lodge a complain and court will nullify the wedding. It’s not a big issue.

Stupidity at it's best.