Hair Pulling Habit - Embarrassment No More!

If you are being abused by your peers or you see any of this Memory Hack Review occurring, please let someone know. Peer Abuse is an adult problem because as adults, we allow it to continue and grow worse. Children should be able to come to adults and feel safe. Adults need to get educated on this so they can implement it into their daily lives. After all, there is a difference in ratting someone out and reporting what should be considered a crime. Do ADHD stimulant drugs such as Ritalin cause heart attacks? Yes, they can--in a small number of children. Children who have a pre-existing heart condition. Since 1999 thirty kids have died from sudden death attributed to stimulant drugs. And more have suffered heart-related problems. Again, all of these children had a pre-existing heart condition. The drugs didn't cause the heart condition!

I'm not crazy about giving drugs to kids for ADHD. Lots of strategies help enormously with ADHD that don't involve Ritalin. However, I don't want to be part of the over-reaction and scare tactics running amok on the Web. Most children will not have a cardiovascular problem with ADHD stimulant drugs. But the American Heart Association's (AHA) doing the right thing! They're recommending that every child have an electrocardiogram (EKG) before a prescription for a stimulant drug is written. Some people think this is extreme and way too expensive.

Total cost could be as high as $250 million--that's assuming 250 million kids have EKGs at the cost of about $100 per child. Hmm. Am I missing something here? A hundred bucks per kid sure doesn't sound all that expensive to me--given that it could save a child's life! One of my grandchildren. Your child. A child in your classroom.