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Greta Thunberg is a prominent environmental activist who has become a leading voice in the global fight against climate change. Born on January 3, 2003, in Stockholm, Sweden, Greta gained international attention for her passionate advocacy, inspiring young people worldwide to take action and demand urgent action to address the climate crisis.

Greta's journey as an activist began in August 2018 when she started skipping school on Fridays to protest outside the Swedish Parliament, holding a sign that read "Skolstrejk för klimatet" (School strike for climate). Her solitary act of civil disobedience quickly gained momentum and sparked a global movement known as Fridays for Future, in which students around the world began striking from school to demand stronger climate action from their governments.

Greta's unwavering commitment to raising awareness about the existential threat of climate change has earned her international recognition and numerous accolades. In 2019, she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the youngest-ever nominee. She has delivered powerful speeches at major international forums, including the United Nations Climate Action Summit in 2019 and the World Economic Forum, where she has called out world leaders for their inaction on climate change and demanded immediate and decisive measures to combat the crisis.

Greta's approach to activism is characterized by her straightforward and uncompromising message. She has been vocal in demanding that governments adhere to the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement and take concrete steps to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. She has criticized the lack of ambition and slow progress in addressing the climate emergency, often accusing leaders of prioritizing short-term economic gains over the long-term survival of the planet.

Despite her young age, Greta has demonstrated remarkable leadership and has inspired millions of people, particularly young activists, to raise their voices and demand climate justice. Her advocacy has contributed to increased public awareness of the urgency of the climate crisis and has influenced policy debates and actions around the world. Greta has also sparked important conversations about intergenerational equity and the moral responsibility of current generations to protect the planet for future generations.

However, Greta's activism has also faced criticism and backlash. Some critics question her credentials and accuse her of being manipulated or controlled by adults with their own agendas. Others argue that her passionate and uncompromising approach may polarize the debate on climate change and hinder effective collaboration between different stakeholders.

Nonetheless, Greta Thunberg's impact as a climate activist cannot be denied. Through her courage, determination, and ability to galvanize young people, she has elevated the urgency of the climate crisis to the forefront of global attention. Greta continues to inspire individuals and governments alike to take meaningful action, reminding the world that the fight against climate change is not just a political or scientific issue, but a moral imperative that requires immediate and collective action to safeguard the planet's future.

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