Great Natural Remedies For High Cholesterol - 3 Simple Remedies Revealed

Add nuts in with green smoothies, or any other kind of GRS Ultra Review smoothie. Sprinkle them on salads, pastas, stir-fries, steamed vegetables, chicken and other meat dishes. Substitute nuts for croutons in soups and salads. Make your own nut milk using almonds, walnuts, pecans or your choice of nuts. Drink the milk as is, or add flavoring and use in cereals, and for all your cooking and baking needs.

Add to your favorite cereal. Add nuts to the chip, or popcorn bowl. Sprinkle them on top of yogurt, ice cream, cake frostings, or any other desert. Add them in with batters such as bread, pancakes, waffles, muffins, cakes, and cookies. Substitute for chocolate chips, and other candy when baking. The amount of diseases high cholesterol is responsible for is amazing. You could have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even a few rare cholesterol related diseases. It's not worth the risk to live with high cholesterol so you should take measures to ensure you work on lowering it every day. While prescriptions can help lower your levels, there are also some great natural ways to lower your cholesterol as well.

Oatmeal Oatmeal is an amazing food and it's system cleaning properties have been well known for decades. Oatmeal is very high in fiber and also helps liver function. Your liver is responsible for most of the cholesterol in your body and simply by adding a couple bowls of oatmeal per week for breakfast can really make a dramatic difference in how your liver is processing fats. You may also notice after a few weeks you've lost a little bit of weight as a result of this. Oatmeal has long been one of the most widely recognized natural ways to lower cholesterol.