German couple who sold son to paedophiles on darknet jailed


Staff member
$49,2000 compensation to the boy and a 3 year old. And they get 12 years...This judge should get 12 years for such an absurd ruling!

They both should be castrated. Rip out the ovaries and testicles. But here in America this Administration would back them for Senate.

This sexual exploitation case has shocked Germany.

Anyone who abuses children should be put to death. A dog would be put down for biting a child. 12 years and they are out. Appalling.

I don't believe someone who is capable of causing harm to a child is capable of being "fixed". There is something fundamentally wrong with them.

If other inmates discover the cause of this couple's incarceration they might not make it to 12 years. Even hardened criminals despise pedophiles. Justice will be served one way or another I suspect.

German couple who sold son to paedophiles on darknet jailed.JPG

They should be locked up for life and all their assets transferred to their son with adequate compensation to the other 3 year old child they abused. What scum of the earth! Rot in jail paedophiles.

12 years really??? While the Child has suffered them all his life and will be serving a life sentence of trauma!! This is not justice.

How evil can you be? This is SOOOO disgusting. I'm heartbroken for the boy and so angry. They deserve the death penalty. I wouldn't ever want scum like that back in society.

Repulsive. They’re getting off way too lightly.

This, made me cry...think about all the psychological damage done to this poor child...he'll be suffering till the end of his 12 years really an acceptable punishment for these monsters???

It’s no good blaming them and why is everyone so shocked?
they’re just reflecting the habits of a society that has turned a blind eye to the sexually abusing of kids for centuries
It’s an integral part of patriarchy
If anyone really cared about kids or women or the men who are abused they’d dismantle the system that maintains it but we’d rather just continue to be shocked and ask totally inane questions like how does that happen?! We know how and why it happens but collectively we have no will to look at power and how it’s misused and this unwiiingness ensures the abuse continues
Remember these people didn’t make the paedophiles who tortured the kid...our society did.