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It has been argued that humans evolved to be vegetarian. Our small Detoxil Omega Formula Review canine teeth lack the flesh-tearing capabilities of the typical carnivore. We also have flatter molars that are suitable for crushing food, and we have mobile jaws which enable us to grind food into pieces. We also have very long intestines which enable the more fibrous plant foods to break down and for their nutrients to be absorbed by the digestive system.

The shorter intestines of carnivorous animals enable them to digest meat and eliminate the waste before it has a chance to produce toxins in the body. Some people consider that the longer intestinal tract of humans makes us more likely to suffer from the effects of toxins produced from animal products because the waste from these foods is not eliminated in a timely manner. Further, it has been suggested that higher rates of colon and rectal cancer in meat eaters as opposed to vegetarians is linked to this fact.

There are a few different classifications of vegetarians. Vegans will not consume animal products of any kind, whereas lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products but not eggs. Ovo-lacto-vegetarians will eat dairy products and eggs as well.