Five Simple Skin Care Tips

Ringworm is a type of infection that can be found on the skin and is HydraLyft Review caused by different kinds of fungi. Unlike the name implies, there is no worm in ringworm, but rather the round wormlike appearance on the infected area that gave it the name. Usually, you will notice that the ring itself is elevated and the skin on the middle part of the ring is healthy, although there is a spot right in the center of it. Ringworm is not a disease, nor can be fatal, and it doesn't have the potential to cover your whole body as if you would look like a leper. But it can get very itchy and irritating, not to mention that you wouldn't want to keep looking at it for too long.

There are different ways of treating different kinds of ringworms. While you will commonly see ringworms appear in the parts of the body that a lot of people can see, there are also some that can affect the scalp, foot, and other hairy parts of the body such as the groin. And since there are different kinds of ringworms that affect different parts of the body, there are also different treatments that are suitable for each type of ringworms. To make things clearer, here are the different kinds of ringworms along with the corresponding treatments used.

Ringworm of the foot: I guess you already have seen anti-itch or anti-fungal cream commercials as you see that they are used in treating athlete's foot. This means that athlete's foot is being caused by a fungal infection. Yes, ringworm that is found on the foot is called an athlete's foot. And in order to treat it, then use the anti-fungal creams that you have seen in commercials.