Finding a solution to Canada's Indigenous water crisis


Staff member
That’s really something else, in a country where you can’t walk a mile without falling in a lake.


I live just outside the city limits here in Northeast Ohio. I don't have access to city water and I have a well. The water is full of iron, Ecoli, tannins, iron bacteria, and very acidic. I filter and chlorinate the well water myself with a whole house water treatment system. It cost me $2000 and I installed it myself. My water is now safe to drink and tastes great.

I hope it works well for you .

Please renew your prescriptions and get back on those meds...

Beyond our imagination. Canada is supposed to have almost largest fresh water reserve in the world. Surprised to learn of the boil water advisories there.

How did they do it before Europeans arrived?

Based on the video on the page, the problems are a recent thing, and have been going on for a couple of decades. In the beginning of the video the man in the mirror in the picture reminisces his childhood when he could drink from any puddle or creek without getting sick.

But it isn't told what has caused the problems -- maybe if the climate has become warmer, bacteria have started to grow more in the water. Or maybe some chemicals have built up in the ground and water in it over a few hundred years, and it has started to have effect. I don't know, just threw some guesses in the air.

If you read the article it tells you what is
Poisoning the water.

Hint: Stop using the water for processing tar sands...

Faulty treatment systems !.. Are not the indigenous people tax payers too and they deserve "Healthy treatment systems" just like other parts in Canada.

They don't pay tax. In fact the rest of the country has their tax dollars transferred to the reservations by the federal government and sadly the chiefs mismanage the money and our government makes a lot of empty promises. It's embarrassing that we're scolding the Saudis meanwhile we have Canadians literally living in third world conditions.

Finding a solution to Canada's Indigenous water crisis.JPG

Educate yourself. If you live, work or shop off of the reserve? You pay taxes on all of it. Only goods produced on the reserve, income produced on the reserve are tax free. We get bargain basement dental, medical and prescription drug coverage and that only begrudgingly. Your racism is appalling.

The central govt just does not care. Sad.

They'd rather build oil pipelines to pollute more.

They deserve the best too,the government need to do something about this....We will never stop believing that they would be remembered someday. But hope it won't be too late by then.

Move to Detroit than.

many of these "communities" are groups of house that number less then five and have a price tag of over $500,000 to provide water treatment facilities. With many being way off the grid. If you wish to continue to live in off the grid places, you pay off the grid prices. Priority should be set to places of communities with many families that require treatment places first.