Final call to save the world from 'climate catastrophe'


Staff member
A little louder for the folks in Trump country!

Stop packing things in plastic, and stop cutting the Rainforests down, would be a good start.

Even if climate change wasn’t “real,” why wouldn’t you want to breathe cleaner air? In the U.S. at least, some people are against renewable energy. It’s mind-boggling.

Too many stupid people, too many politicians. We're doomed.

How about slowing the rate of population growth to slow the need for all these things . Duhhh.

It's consumption, not population. I've been in Indian villages where a few families use less energy, water, and plastics than one US citizen uses in a day.

Wonder how long it will take American corporations (you know the ones who supply all the money for people in congress to deny climate change is real), to realize they are helping to kill their own kids by not doing anything to change the way we do things.

The place to start with this maybe isn’t eating less meat, using your car less or even recycling maybe it’s with big corporate companies using single use plastic to cover their food in supermarkets, it’s cafes using plastic for takeaways cups and even paper straws. Maybe if businesses in the world did THEIR part and maybe paid the tax they were meant too maybe it would help everybody else to start helping the planet...
I work for one of the countries biggest supermarkets and the amount of plastic around the food is downright disgusting.

None of those things are going to happen. There isn't the political will. Time to refocus efforts on adaptation rather than mitigation.

What about clean coal, where does that fit into this scenario?????

All this "Who's going to pay for it?" nonsense. Climate change is manmade, money is manmade. We have to go beyond our capitalism approach, think radically. Just create the money out of nowhere. Give it to the businesses who can save our planet and mankind electronically, by helping them create new clean products/businesses/technology.

Would we rather destroy ourselves and our whole planet just because a business couldn't afford to pay back a loan, or their clean product was far too expensive to produce.


It seems we'd rather spend our trillions on military pursuits rather than our future survival.

Also, as the article states "buy less meat, milk, cheese and butter and more locally sourced seasonal food", why not include that in your list, given it's the one thing every one of us can do right now?

Get Asia on board and make sure all Countries are held accountable for costs. Don't expect certain countries to pay for everything.

Well it was a good run.

Final call to save the world from 'climate catastrophe'.JPG

Talk to Theresa "Fracking" May and Donald "What climate Change?" Trump. Why don't you ask about the Welsh wind farm? Oh yes because behind the scenes your scared of Taxes and Nationalisation of key industries.

This impacts all of US, a concerted effort to impact this change. Instead of saying what or who is not going to do anything, say and do what you can to positively influence change!
Be the change you want to see in this world...Ghandi.