Fibromyalgia and Energy Conservation

Frequently, the reduction of pain is interpreted by the patient as a Arctic Blast Review cure and they are not aware of minimal restrictions in movement which can progress slowly over time. Re-afferentation techniques can and should be employed to re-establish full range of motion of the joints and restore flexibility to the tendons and ligaments. This is accomplishes through a series of mobilizations combined with pressure and resistance procedures.

These applications are designed to break up adhesions, increase ranges of motion, and return the proprioceptive function of the joint receptor system. Reduction of metabolic toxins in the soft tissues and intracellular fluids helps to diminish pain and bilateral stretch techniques help to restore brain body communication and replacement of white fibrous tissue with more yellow elastic fibers. This change in cell structure within the tendons, ligaments and joint capsules takes place gradually over time with repeated applications of the technique. Stimulations of inactive nerve pathways help to produce the formation of new neural connection and promote increased blood flow and lymphatic circulation. Enhanced nutrient pathways and increased waste removal of metabolic materials helps to enhance healing.

The bursal tissue of the joints is encouraged to upgrade their production of synovial fluid which lubricates the joints and protects the articular cartilage from frictional wear and tear. Specific isometric exercises are employed to strengthen muscle and tendons, relieve joint restrictions, improve circulation and restore flexibility and pliability of the body. Craniopathic manipulation of the skull by a trained osteopath, chiropractor or craniosacral therapist can be greatly enhanced by the application of these procedures. Temporomandibular joint function can also be benefited by the re-afferentation mobilization therapy.