Fat-Loss For the Real Man - How to Lose Fat With These Great Fat-Loss Tips

The first thing you need to do is go online and find out how Panalean Review many calories you need at your current weight. Next you need to decide how much weight you want to lose per week. 3,500 calories equals one pound. So if you want to lose two pounds each week you need to subtract 7,000 calories from your weekly intake of food. If your calorie intake for your weight is 2,500 per day, you need to subtract 1,000 calories per day, so you'll be limited to 1,500 calories per day to lose the two pounds per week.

Do you dream of having a body like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie? Surely to get the movie star body of your dreams is all down to great genetics! Although genetics does play a strong part in your body's appearance, it actually comes down mainly to your own motivation. I'm sure even Brad and Angelina have their off days too. They eat what they like, don't do any exercise and maybe even put on a few pounds. However as soon as they are signed up to star in that next blockbuster, this is all the motivation for weight loss they need.

Motivation and weight loss work hand in hand. Imagine if Angelina had put on a fair bit of weight and then got offered the role for the next Tomb Raider movie, she would want to be fit and have that same sex appeal as she did in the original film. If she turns up for filming, out of shape and looking less than perfect, the movie may turn out not to be a smash. Therefore, she won't make as much money and is less likely to be chosen for starring roles in the future!
