Evianne Skin Australia Japanese diets are very low in fat and as a result are one of the healthiest diets in the world. But, I do use a zinc based sunscreen every day, rain or shine. If you are not using a good moisturizer following every cleansing treatment, you are not doing everything you can for your skin's health and appearanceThere is a lot of anti-aging breakthroughs reported this year, Some of these are the well- known antioxidants, Vitamin A, C and E, Wrinkle injections, and peptides. It's said to offer some protection from ultra violet light (and sun damage,) pollution, and cell damage. Instead of drinking coffee, you should drink chocolate instead. It looks like a trick question, but if you want to reduce wrinkles you need to focus your efforts. https://news4healths.com/evianne-skin-cream-au/