evianne cream intrest

evianne to like crease a little bit and right here not looking like it's gonna be going so well so right here this is my area that I'm really concerned about about how well it's gonna look over rest of the day but I would different let you guys know but I do want to show you guys again and that blows it so you guys can see and with my camera I don't have any filters or anything so you guys are saying must kyun like skin my moustache all my imperfections all that good stuff so I'm gonna continue my date and I will check back in with you guys to let you guys know how it's going and all that good stuff so stay tuned [Music] Oh Mike so far doesn't look that good right there where I thought it was gonna it's just kind of you could just see like the texture right there in it all right here you can take the texture doesn't look that good obviously just not the best no we here you see like a little bit of like the bombs to the end isn't the best okay so it's
