Elon Musk unveils first tourist for Spacex


Staff member
People always ask of what value do we get from space travel or studying space. What was the point of studying the atom while most traveled on steam engines. Or Electricity where it was horse carriages. Or the movement of the planets when america was just being colonized. With out any of those fields of study we have no satellites. No internet. No speedy communication across the world. Our world today is built upon fields of study that had absolutely no relevance in the world they have their roots in. Even so space travel has already provided us with tech that preserves our food and water and can be found in planes, hospitals and the device you're reading this on.

Why not spending this money in saving our planet instead?

there's a different fund for that. it's his own money.

The company said the flight represented "an important step toward enabling access for everyday people who dream of travelling to space". Apart from he's a billionaire and most "normal" people are not. In fairness I wouldn't go even if I could I'd be petrified.

"However, this launch will rely on a rocket that hasn't been built yet, and Mr Musk has said: " "It's not 100% certain we can bring this to flight."

The price will go up with a 20kg baggage allowance and extra legroom. It's a long way to go with no in flight entertainment too.

Hmmmm, now how can I get people to talk about something other than me being sued, I know, I'll send a civilian to space
Great distraction technique there Musk.

I don’t think it will ever happen, Musk is just a dreamer which is both admirable but also dangerous because at this stage his business model is no different to dot coms in the late 1990s (remember those?).

Not much to see there really. A grey sphere with holes in it, pretty much.

What a waste of money. He could save lives with that.

Headlines: First trip to moon, a billionaire from Japan died from failure inside the rocket engine.

go maybe after 10, 15 times of successful trips.

Hope he finds some aliens there...

Billionaires playing with billionaires toys; I suppose the rest of us plebs should just be happy playing in here the mud while the "Masters of the Universe" go pissing it all up against an interplanetary wall. Oh to be rich, now that the travel season is upon us.

That's so sweet that I don't even care.

Elon Musk unveils first tourist for Spacex.JPG

I assume he’s looking for Sailor Moon?

I have an hectors of land there please have a look what is cultivating now.

lets hope he dont need British experts to save him while his up there.

I have landed and been in the moon numerous times in my imaginative mind.

I've been round the sun!

Can they take treason mayhem and the mostly crew with them and don't bring them back.

Hope he gets probed while he's up there...