DXN Code Strike you become not only an expert will

DXN Code Strike micro trauma that's that's day so if you want to have an amazing sex life I mean we got to keep the die clean and exercise too so let's go into I want to talk about the cost ok so the one of the we get tons of phone calls just like you do every single day we get tons of people come to our website and generally speaking the the first question they these guys ask because they do some education they do they do educate themselves they do go out there and and they watch a bunch of YouTube videos and and we have YouTube videos you know you know on our YouTube channel to explain a lot of this stuff but certainly um cost is always a factor and generally speaking one of the first questions is how much does this cost because they want it they want to do it and they've done some searching out there I should clarify by by saying that right now it's current time insurance companies don't cover the cost of these treatments in clinics and if they did I'm Paul as you know you'd have a line you know out your clinic from you know from from your clinic all the way down the Florida and I don't have a line from here to Scottsdale here in
