Causes of a Stroke - What Causes Cardiovascular Diseases, Strokes & Heart Attacks in Women?

So let's talk about other types of cholesterol. Cardio Clear 7 Ingredients Review There is LDL, or Low-density lipoprotein, it is the "bad", and can be very dangerous if there is too much in your system. Combined with other substances, it can be carried through the system and form a hard, plaque-like material that can attach itself to arteries and cause pulmonary heart conditions. HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, is "good" cholesterol. High levels of HDL seem to protect against heart disease and stroke because they help to carry harmful cholesterol through the system. Low levels of HDL also can increase the chance of heart disease and stroke. Some experts believe that the good kind tends to help carry the bad kind back to the liver where it can pass through the body.

Triglycerides are a form of fat made in the human body. Being overweight, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol and carbohydrates can all lead to high levels of triglycerides. High triglyceride levels in people can cause high levels. People with diabetes and or/heart disease also tend to have high triglyceride levels as well. Lp(a) is a genetic variation of LDL (bad). It is not fully understood by professionals yet, bur it is known that it may interact with matter found in the arteries and contributes to the build-up of fatty deposits.

Cholesterol can not dissolve in the blood stream. It is carried through the cells by lipoprotein, and it either filters out of the body through the liver or builds up in the arteries and bloodstream. There are many things that you can do to keep your levels under control. You can eat foods low in cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fat, maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and follow the advice of your professional healthcare provider. Alternative Health Supplements offers a variety of all-natural, safe products to help lower cholesterol as well.