Can Eating Better Food Increase Productivity?

Attacks so bad I've seen her literally roll on floor, until she was Curafen Review able to instigate her own method of treating herself. Olive oil pads, to the gall region along with as much dandelion as she was able absorb usually by way of teas. THEY worked as well as a long list of foods to stay free of. A list to this day I follow religiously. I know that my GI is inherited on my fathers' side but also have to contend with gall bladder weakness again on grans side. So how easy it would be to confuse GI symptoms with Gall bladder attack similar pain region.

Speaking for myself whenever I have a GI attack one of the first symptoms that alerts me that I've eaten Gluten is when I begin to feel dizzy. Even if I'm sitting down everything begins to spin around, the severity depends on attack. Quickly its followed by pain spreading it seems right through my torso and settling down in the stomach area. I assumed that feeling the way I experienced dizziness was maybe not the same for other GI's. But was soon put right there when one xmas my husband's English rellie was visiting and 'taking tea'. As we chatted I discovered she also was GI but as she was professional and worked was kept busy travelling,so was denied the time to look up other GIs tales of woe and their symptoms. Really all she understood was that if she ate Gluten foods she'd have a stomach ache and maybe throw up.

I'll never forget the sheer look of relief on her face when on chatting I mentioned to her how I became dizzy when infected by gluten. "Truly Isi, Ive been for tests for stroke and the doctor was even considering booking me in for brain scan. I'm so relieved to know that the culprit was Gluten." I have so much I wish to pass on to you about other gluten intolerant symptoms, that I know will assist you on this often lonely path we GI people walk. Again I say how much you will learn, (far too much to write of here 500 words I'm told.) Next time I want to discuss the need to be aware of how to nullify many other health conditions that can spring from being GI.