Burkina Faso botched FGM leaves 50 girls in hospital


Staff member
The use of the term botched implies that there is a correct way to carry out the procedure. FGM is a breach of human rights and has serious health implications for girls. Not the best choice of headline, BBC.

"Botched" implies that there is a correct way for this barbaric and totally unnecessary procedure to be conducted.

Disgusting that parents still allow their daughters to be put through this.

These people claim to be doing this because they are good Muslims? Look at it this way. Did Allah make a mistake when he created women the way they are made? Does it need.

Don't know why this is still a thing. It's just barely ethical to do to boys for health reasons. Nobody can claim the same for girls.

Erin Fanelli you must be confused. I understand biology just fine. Your reading comprehension, however, needs some work. I in no way defended this practice. Take your ignorance elsewhere.

STOP THE MADNESS!!!! This is the mutilation of females for the sole purpose of male control. STOP! STOP! STOP! What if we women turned this around? How would you boys feel about it then?

I think those who do this should have their hands cut off!!

Excuse me? BOTCHED FGMs? Really? Is there a "proper" one? BBC News, really? This title is an offence!

When is this ever going to end?!!!!!!

Absolutely barbaric. Those poor girls.

It is barbaric. Male circumcision however is usually done without the approval of the participant and can make a major difference to his life. Will be interesting to see the litigation against millions of parents.

Despite all the aid received , some countries are just hopeless . No progress, no education.

Poor children! I thank god every day that I was born in a civilized society.

I just don't understand why. How is it supposed to ensure 'pure femininity'?
At least the guys version is for or has health benefits; this is just confusing.

Poor little things. How dare they do that to little girls. Butchery!!

Apart from it being a tradition, religious belief, whatever, let's not forget about the men in question here & the fact that their ability or inability to satisfy a woman would never be brought into question & so they will never be judged on their performance, which i guess suits them fine.

Three years in prison is nothing compared to what they did to these girls . It should be a life sentence when this procedure is illegal . What is wrong with this country .

It's traditional so therefore correct. Therefore God is at fault here because he obviously made a mistake with the human form. But of course we humans know how to fix God's mistake.

Illegal since 1996 yet it is still carried out to this extent. Maybe be the threat of three years in prison should be revised.

Some of the things we're so concerned about seem so trivial compared to this BS. This needs to stop!

Botched FGM. Sheeesh. I would think that all FGMs are botched.

Africa should never had been created, it was a mistake.

Primitive, barbaric, sexist abuse - by males, against females - promoted by an equally primitive, barbaric system of social, economic and political control of other humans - all done in the name of a religion based upon medieval, superstitious ignorance .....

Disgusting abuse. Jail the abusers! Change this so called culture!

Barbaric isn't a strong enough word for this, 3 years prison time is a slap on the wrist and calling this "circumcision" is whitewashing the fact that this is straight up mutilation. Freaking unbelievably wrong.

this is not the only thing that happens to young girls they also do breast ironing (look it up).

Can we just leave ALL children's genitals alone? Ban ALL circumcision on miniors. TOTALLY unnecessary. Totally not okay.

Should face much longer sentences.

Burkina Faso botched FGM leaves 50 girls in hospital.JPG

Tayler Livingstone how messed up is this?!! And saying "botched" like there's a right way to mutilate little girls!!!!

Barbaric no other word for it.

How can any parent put there child through all that pain.

Uncivilized people doing those things!!!poor little girls.....

How the hell is crap like this still happening?! Makes me so angry...the people that did this should be jailed for torture.

Barbaric!!!! How does this continue in this age????

Please, don't cut your babies junk!