Beyonce on pregnancy and body acceptance


Staff member
Woman with perfect body and million dollars diets and coaches tells us she has an imperfection but she’s bravely accepting it. *Tiny violin playing*

"I have a little mommy pouch, and I'm in no rush to get rid of it. I think it's real."

What does having money have anything to do with anything? Sounds like someone is a little resentful.

Woman? You spelt Feminist wrong. They're 2 different things.

Money buys you people to look after your kids so you can work out, have a personal trainer and the best foods. That's what difference money makes.

Making a joke. And who doesn't envy queen b's life? Us simple mortals need to lighten up a bit.

Don't worry Bey, I have one too and haven't even had a child, and also am a man.

Wow she normalizes "mummy pouches" you're so in touch with us mothers out here. What amazing news.

Pregnancy! Wow! There's something that's never been done before!

Until you truly have to regain your body without the assistance of personal chefs and trainers, I cant really respect it. I always like to see women who did in realtime. That is inspiring. Bey can speak on other things...though..

Beyonce on pregnancy and body acceptance.JPG

Ohhh the struggle... cant stand when millionnaire celebrities act like they are jenny from the block..

Pouch? What is she a kangaroo?

my mommy pouch is probably older than beyonce herself.

there's this thing called psychology and real experts in that field who have devoted their lives to human behavior and medicine...but let's ask Beyonce for her expert opinion.

And I was wondering why I couldn't sleep all night
🤔 THERE'S my answer.

Pretending “to be real” finally sounds so trivial! Don’t preach, B, it’s not necessary. Your way of life is not ordinary, “real” women don’t need your quotes to feel empowered. Sorry. Go back to your stuff.

Why don’t you and your husband do something with your money like LaBron instead of worrying about your looks and clothes? Now THAT would be newsworthy.

Wow ,, and millions care what Beyonce says because .........................?