AVOID THIS at All Costs This If You Have Problem Feet or Postural Pain!

Treatment of all these conditions requires addressing the Fungus Eliminator underlying cause. For heel pain on the bottom of the foot, direct intervention to the heel spur is not necessary, and simply addressing the inflamed fascia with anti-inflammatory measures and careful arch support usually results in a cure. When the pain is due to the less common spur associated with rheumatic disease, treatment of the underlying disease process can reduce the inflammation component, leading to pain reduction. In rare cases, shaving of the spurs may be necessary to obtain relief.

For heel spur pain and Haglund's deformity behind the heel, treatment centers on loosening the Achilles tendon and using anti-inflammatory measures, along with stabilizing the ankle. In many cases however, the spurs themselves need to be removed, the Achilles tendon needs to be removed, repaired, and replaced, or the Haglund's deformity needs to be reduced if present.

Surgery is often, but not always, the end result of treatment of spurs behind the heel. As one can see, heel spurs are often misunderstood, and may or may not play an actual role in heel pain. Prompt identification and treatment of the cause of heel pain is vital for a successful treatment, as the appropriate treatment may be very different from one cause to another.
