Alaska airlines accused of anti-gay seating move


Staff member
Boohoo. It’s happened to everyone. Me and my soon to be husband were asked to separate on a flight to allow a family to sit together. I don’t recall going to the press and screaming discrimination.

A gay couple were given a choice: sit in different sections, or get off the plane.

That’s not the same thing. You were asked to move so a family could sit together. A couple was FORCED to move, so that another couple could sit together. Because apparently, to Alaska airlines, being gay doesn’t make you a “real” couple. You weren’t being discriminated against...they were.

The airline has not confirmed if it was a couple or a family. The couple in question is the only one making a fuss. The over sensitivity of certain people is simply overwhelming these days.

Except this wasn’t a family with children, it was another adult couple? How is your experience comparable?

No, instead you cry here. Got it.

did the airline confirm, no? So all I hear is someone trying to make a scene and collect a payout.

I was asked to move by a couple because they wanted to sit together. I was about to sit in the new seat when another lady asked me to move again because she wanted to sit beside her mother. And this is after i moved my bag from the overhead compartment. I wanted to make a scene.

They asked one of them to move from first class to coach, why not someone in the straight couple? Would you go to coach if you bought first class tickets?

I don't care if the couple asked to move was just friends. It should have been a choice, unless there is a very good reason (perhaps the favored couple had a medical reason?)

Ah right, I see! They were lying to make a scene - gays are always making a fuss over nothing. They need to get over themselves. Thanks for enlightening me!

I would if I meant they were going to credit me accordingly. And once again, not noted in the story or by the airline.

Alaska airlines accused of anti-gay seating move.JPG

was it because they were gay? or was it due to seats and fares and other airliney type stuff?

If only there was some kind of... I don't know... article you could read which would explain things further?

If you read, it was because the seat was double booked. The alleged homophobia is because the gay couple had already been sitting in the seats long before the straight couple boarded, and the crew forced the gay couple to separate or leave even though they were there for longer/the double booking was not their fault. Not the most direct discrimination but it is still discrimination (no matter the degree).

Airliney stuff.

I wonder who bought their tickets first and who paid more for their tickets? I think there is more to this story.